Birkenhead Primary School students raise money for earthquake victims

Tuesday 21 September 2010, 7:14AM

By Birkenhead Primary School year 6 student Aaron Cordes


The children from Birkenhead Primary School at the Birkenhead Artisan Market
The children from Birkenhead Primary School at the Birkenhead Artisan Market Credit: Birknehead Primary School


School kids from room 14 at Birkenhead Primary School volunteered help raise money for Christchurch earthquake victims after viewing images of the destruction of the city centre.

The group had a stall at the Birkenhead Artisan Market on the 18th of September, and sold home baking, sushi and sweet goodies made by the children and their parents. They also sold second-hand items donated by local families.

The team worked hard from 8am to 1pm, and raised $305, which will be donated to the Red Cross appeal fund. Their teacher, Marion Littin, was extremely proud of them.