Compost heating up for summer
Composting is serious business in the Queenstown Lakes District, so much so, compost ‘trouble shooting’ will be on offer this summer, QLDC solid waste manager Stefan Borowy said.
Delivery of the Waste Management Strategy by the Council includes the provision of waste education to the community, and in particular schools.
“Each year the Council funds a series of very popular workshops dedicated to composting and featuring Wanaka Wastebusters, Dr Compost (aka Ben Elms),” Mr Borowy said.
People were often nervous about starting a compost heap. “But there's an easy compost system for everyone no matter how little time you have,” said Dr Compost.
The workshops, taught people about the different methods available and how to build a compost heap guaranteed to heat up properly and decompose within a few months.
“The end product is beautiful, rich smelling, dark compost, the ultimate food for their gardens,” Dr Compost said.
The workshops were a great way to get started and the ‘troubleshooting’ would help to deal with any ‘composting dilemmas’
“People can fire the ‘Dr’ an email ,” Mr Borowy said. Alternatively people could ring the Council with their questions and they will get a response from Dr Compost within 24-hours
“Food and green waste should not be in the landfill it should be helping our community to grow their own produce,” Mr Borowy said.
The ‘Dr’ had proved a popular way of switching people on to the benefits of turning food waste into ‘black gold’, Mr Borowy said.
Dr Compost’s first Wanaka workshop would be held on 9 October, 2010 at Wanaka Wastebusters, 9am-noon, with the first Queenstown workshop held on 23 October at Queenstown Primary school, 9am-noon. The workshops were free but a gold cold donation was welcome.
For an updated list of workshops as dates and venues are confirmed, please go to