Positive Impact On The Younger Generation

Dunedin City Council

Monday 27 September 2010, 3:21PM

By Dunedin City Council



Q. What do babies, libraries, music and exercise have in common?
A. Wriggle and Rhyme sessions!

Wriggle and Rhyme is an exciting new partnership project between Sport Otago and Dunedin Public Libraries. It is an active learning session for children less than one year old that will guide parents through different movement activities that they can use at home.

The Wriggle and Rhyme programme is not only a lot of fun, but it also provides positive movement experiences for young children that stimulate the development of the brain and body, building the foundations for pre-literacy and learning.

Amanda Taylor, Sport Otago Active Movement Advisor says, “Sport Otago is delighted to introduce Active Movement to the Dunedin City Library. The Wriggle and Rhyme programme has been extremely successful in other regions around New Zealand and we are looking forward to rolling it out as another successful addition to our Active Movement programme here at Sport Otago”.

The Dunedin experience is proving to be in hot demand with the sessions to date fully booked and a waiting list for future sessions already growing. Phillipa Crack, DPL Youth Services Librarian, says, "Sport Otago has been wonderful to work with and we are really pleased to be associated with the programme."

The first session will take place on the 4th Floor of the Dunedin City Library, on Tuesday 28 September at 10.30am.