Rotorua to Ohope Fun Ride - CycleZone line up for 19th year

Thursday 30 September 2010, 1:42AM

By Jacky James



When cyclists line up to do battle in this year's Rotorua to Ohope 100km Fun Ride they will do it with the continued support of the city's oldest - and newest - bike shop.

The fun ride is in its 19th year and for every year cyclists have lined up to tackle the classic point-to-point race, CycleZone have been there right beside (and sometimes in front of) them.

CycleZone has been confirmed as a joint sponsor of the event, and this year registration will be at the all new CycleZone store on Fenton St, Rotorua.

It's a relationship that has stood the test of time - and cycling fashions - but one thing that remains is the passion for the event.

Cycling Rotorua president Hylton Honour said running the event without CycleZone on board wouldn't be the same.

As well as sponsoring the race, alongside Unison, CycleZone staff have raced the 100km event and been on hand for prize-giving.

This year's race on November 14 will be no different.

“CycleZone has been the mainstay over the years and without CycleZone as a main sponsor, events like the Rotorua to Ohope would not exist,” Mr Honour said.

“They’re a great bike shop and have been servicing the cycle industry in Rotorua for longer than I can remember. We’re really looking forward to seeing the new store.

“We’ve moved the registration this year to the shop to support CycleZone as they have supported club events for years which we very much appreciate. And it’s the perfect place. You can get a little warm up before the race and it gets people in the shop for them.”

With registration for the event moving from the race start to the shop, cyclists will have a chance to pick up some last minute supplies or simply get a closer look at this season's new models. They can also enjoy an light warm up before putting their foot down over to Ohope.

The shop has been purpose-built to provide ample showroom space and a special area for bike fit to ensure cyclists are in the most efficient and comfortable position.

“We've been here for 25 years serving the Rotorua community and by moving to a new store we aim to be here for at least 25 more years,” CycleZone owner Bryce Shapley said.

“We're firmly entrenched in the cycling community and that's demonstrated by the fact we have sponsored the Ohope Fun Ride since the start.

“We look forward to welcoming everyone to the new store when they register.”

The Unison CycleZone Rotorua to Ohope 100km Fun Ride is on Sunday, November 14. It starts from the BMX carpark off Te Ngae Rd at 9am. Visit for more information or enter online at