Please Communicate And Get Help' Farmers Urged
Tararua farmers are being urged to stay in communication with their support
networks, neighbours, friends and financial institutions as the impact of recent
adverse weather hits home.
Last week farming leaders, agri-professionals and representatives of the Tararua
District and Horizons Regional Councils met with co-ordinator for the Tararua region
of the East Coast Rural Support Trust (ECRST) Chris Southgate to discuss ways to
offer assistance.
All parties emphasised the need to communicate with their networks and to be
proactive in asking for help before a crisis becomes too large, Mr Southgate said.
Back on back autumn droughts combined now with the aftermath of continued rain
has taken its toll, leaving sheep and beef farmers to grapple with lamb losses, stock
condition, feed levels– and budgets. For some, more than 25% of the current lamb
crop has gone.
For the dairy sector, there are concerns around failure to meet compliance issues
re effluent management, sodden pastures, cow condition, impact on profitability and
seasonal finance availability.
Farmers are being asked to contact Greg Carlyon, Horizons if they are having
difficulty with consent obligations.
Both Horizons and Tararua District Councils will look at spreading rate payments
over time.
Mr Southgate said the ECRST was “actively pursuing all avenues of assistance that
may be available but that it was vital that farming families contact himself or one of
the committee”.
“At times like this it is incumbent on us all to look out for one another,” he said.
Mr Southgate can be contacted by day at 06 374 9862 or 027 484 6576 at other
ECRST committee members are: Anne Finnie, Keith Fenemor, Nick Berry, George Ross,
Ben Read and David Swannson