Government makes jury duty rules more flexible

Monday 4 October 2010, 7:34PM

By Georgina Te Heuheu


People will find it easier to carry out jury duty under changes which come into effect tomorrow, the Minister of Justice, Simon Power, and the Minister for Courts Georgina te Heuheu said today.

The main change will allow jurors to apply to defer their jury service to a more convenient time within 12 months of the original summons date.

"We need to make it as easy as possible for people to take part in this important civic duty," Mr Power said.

"Making the system more flexible is expected to improve overall juror attendance and reduce the number of excusals granted."

In 2009, some 62 per cent, or 199,760, of the 321,832 people summoned for jury service were excused, and a further 21 per cent, or 67,938, failed to attend.

Mrs te Heuheu said jury districts will be extended from 30 to 45 kilometres from a jury trial courthouse.

"Extending jury districts and the eligible jury pool means people are less likely to be frequently summoned, particularly in smaller areas."

The Ministry of Justice has also developed a website to improve information available to jurors and the public:

The information jurors receive when summoned and while at court has also been updated to ensure it is easily understood and widely accessible.

Meanwhile, the ministry is preparing advice to the ministers on what changes should be made to ensure jurors' personal information is not used inappropriately.

"I'm looking hard at whether jurors' addresses are essential information that needs to be included on juror lists and hope to make an announcement in the near future," Mr Power said.