Chiropractor convicted of ACC fraud for phantom treatments

Wednesday 20 October 2010, 5:19PM



Former All Black and now Auckland-based chiropractor Dean Kenny has been found guilty of
defrauding ACC. Mr Kenny billed ACC for 28 blocks of treatment sessions that his clients never

Mr Kenny had been providing chiropractic services from two clinics in Orewa and Takapuna. He
was a registered ACC provider, which meant he could bill ACC for treating injured clients and
receive a fee for each treatment.

In September 2009, however, ACC’s investigations unit was alerted to irregularities in his
invoices following a complaint from a client.

The investigation team discovered that Mr Kenny had been billing ACC for more sessions than
some of his clients had actually received. In the case of 28 patients, he had invoiced ACC for 16
treatments per patient when sometimes the clients had received as few as two sessions.

During an interview with an ACC investigator, Mr Kenny stated he booked in a “block of
treatments” for his patients so that if they had to return for additional treatments, there were
some treatment sessions already “in the bank”. He had not refunded ACC for treatments not
used by patients.

Mr Kenny, of Cheltenham, pleaded guilty to 28 charges under the Crimes Act at North
Shore District Court last week. He received a sentence of 225 hours of community work
and was ordered to repay $7956.00 to ACC.

The presiding judge said the offence was an abuse of trust of a scheme funded by New Zealand
tax payers.

"ACC funds are meant to help injured New Zealanders, not fraudsters. So we welcome this
finding and would encourage anyone who suspects ACC fraud to call us on 0508 ACC FRAUD",
said ACC's General Manager Claims Management Denise Cosgrove.