Whanau Ora announcement this Friday

Tariana Turia

Tuesday 26 October 2010, 6:08PM

By Tariana Turia


Whanau Ora Minister Tariana Turia is delighted that the successful Whanau Ora providers will be announced on Friday.

The agency responsible for implementing Whanau Ora, Te Puni Kokiri, received 130 proposals from 347 providers wanting to deliver Whanau Ora.

The announcement will be made at Takapuwahia Marae in Porirua at 11am.

Mrs Turia says the calibre of the proposals was very high with an impressive number of provider collectives wanting to work collaboratively to deliver Whanau Ora.

"What I have been most delighted with is the spirit of cooperation demonstrated by providers to work together in the best interests of whanau."

The proposals were assessed by the Whanau Ora Regional Leadership Groups who made a final recommendation to the Whanau Ora Governance Group.

"Whanau Ora represents a significant investment in whanau by this Government and I am excited that this innovative approach has generated so much interest in its first few months of implementation."

"It is a great sign for the future of whanau."