Sauvignon Blog? ... New Sisters Ridge takes wine talk online with nationwide blogging competition
Thursday 28 October 2010, 11:48AM
By sisters ridge wines
The vivacious new Sisters Ridge wine brand has launched a fun new competition for young women who are passionate about writing and want to get into blogging! The competition is aimed at women who want to stimulate online discussions with the girls about their favourite new wine and other issues close to the heart.
The winners will become the voices of the Sisters Ridge sisters. Two snappy bloggers will each get the opportunity to post a blog on the lively brand website twice per month for six months. In return for their enthusiastic efforts, the winning women will each receive a delicious mixed case of Sisters Ridge wines per month for the six-month period and be VIP guests at Sisters Ridge events.
Vibrant, savvy Sisters Ridge wines are especially designed for girls in their mid to late twenties to drink and enjoy when getting together. Through the blog, they are invited to share those moments and all the hot topics that follow.
“With Sisters Ridge, we want our wines to become part of those fun times with the girls, sharing the lively conversations that are a natural part of when girls get together and enjoy a wine. We’re excited to use the social media platforms Facebook, Twitter and Flickr alongside our website to engage young women who enjoy the wines, so they can share their thoughts through our vibrant online community,” says marketing manager Cathy Hicks.
To choose the winners, bloggers are invited to match themselves with one of two sister character profiles and submit 250-word entries on one of two given topics: My top 10 tips for squeezing the juice out of life or My top 10 tips for a great girls’ night in
Entries have to be in by Friday 12 November. Preliminary judging will be by a select panel including the very dynamic and engaging Tee Twyford, editor of popular The competition will also be promoted through the widely popular nzgirl community.
Four finalist blogs will then be posted on the website. The Sisters Ridge girls will be invited to vote for their favourites. One winning blogger on each theme will be announced on Tuesday 30 November – launching a new must-read online!
Find full details of this novel and unique competition on