Council holds first meeting for new term

Tararua District Council

Friday 29 October 2010, 10:00AM

By Tararua District Council


Tararua District Council
Tararua District Council Credit: Tararua District Council


Mayor Roly Ellis and councillors made their statutory declarations to officially take up office
for the next three years at a meeting on Wednesday, 27 October.

Council has determined that it will meet each month on the last Wednesday (except
December) commencing at 1.00pm, with the December meeting to be held on the second
Wednesday of that month.

There are two standing committees, being the Tribunal and Hearings Committee (this deals
with hearings for matters relating to the Resource Management Act, Sale of Liquor Act and
Dog Control Act) and the Chief Executive’s Performance Appraisal Committee.

Bill Keltie was appointed as Deputy Mayor with portfolios for various responsibilities being
assigned as follows:

  • Heritage – Peter Johns and Brenda Dodunski
  • Finance – Chris Southgate and Shirley Hull
  • Roading – Bill Keltie and David Roberts
  • Community Relations – Shirley Hull and Brenda Dodunski
  • Water and Sewerage – Keith Fenemor and Warren Davidson
  • Waste Management – Warren Davidson and Peter Johns
  • Resource Management Act/ Planning- Bill Keltie and Warren Davidson
  • Community Facilities- David Roberts and Shirley Hull
  • Economic Development/Marketing- Roly Ellis and Brenda Dodunski

Other appointments include the Mayor representing the Council on both the Regional
Transport Committee and the Regional Emergency Management Committee, with the
Deputy Mayor to be the alternate representative should the Mayor not be available.

Appointments to Community Boards/Community Committees are Brenda Dodunski-
Dannevirke Community Board, Warren Davidson- Eketahuna Community Board, Peter
Johns – Woodville Districts’ Vision and Shirley Hull – Pahiatua On Track.