Swimming Stars Honoured By Moana Pool

Dunedin City Council

Monday 1 November 2010, 1:37PM

By Dunedin City Council



The achievements of Dunedin swimming greats – double Olympic gold medal-winner Danyon Loader and his coach, the late Duncan Laing – will be marked by the naming of two Dunedin pools this week.
Moana Pool’s Main Pool and Learner Pool are now to be known as the Danyon Loader Main Pool and the Duncan Laing Learner Pool, in honour of the pair’s achievements at the 1996 Atlanta Olympic Games.
Danyon, who now lives in Auckland, is returning to Dunedin for the occasion, and will unveil the plaque commemorating his former coach. Mayor Dave Cull will do the honours for Danyon’s plaque.
Danyon’s parents Daphne and Pete, and Duncan’s wife, Betty, will also attend the ceremony.
DCC Aquatic Services Manager Steve Prescott says the Learner Pool was where Mr Laing had taught hundreds and hundreds of Dunedin children, including Danyon, to swim, so it was appropriate the pool should be named after him.
Similarly, the Main Pool is where Danyon spent thousands of hours training before the Olympics.
Mr Prescott believes this is the first time a New Zealand main pool or similar has been named after an Olympian.
The unveiling ceremony will take place at 11.30am, Thursday 4 November, at Moana Pool.