Westmere kids give triathlon a 'Try' to help their school


Wednesday 3 November 2010, 10:48AM

By Bayleys



Children and parents from Westmere will be sliding their way to the finish line at their school’s first ever triathlon on November 21 to help raise funds for a school hall.

The Bayleys Westmere Kids Try, which involves a run, bike ride and water slide at Cox’s Bay Park, will be a fun activity open to all children and parents at Westmere School. It will feature a line-up of celebrities to cheer the children to the finish line.

“The focus is on children taking part and doing their best as we want to encourage as many kids as possible to have a ‘Try’ – and their parents too,” says Westmere School Principal Carolyn Marino.

The event will feature a five to six-year-old category with a 500m run, 1km bike ride and 50m water slide, while the seven to ten-year-olds will complete a 1km run, 2km bike ride and 50m water slide.

They will be cheered on their run by former marathon world record holder Allison Roe, while local MP and cycleway promoter Nikki Kaye will be rallying the children on their bikes.

Commentary for the day will be provided by radio hosts Jay-Jay Feeney and Dom Harvey from The Edge.

The Bayleys Westmere Kids Try has been endorsed by New Zealand triathletes Terenzo Bozzone (former world champion) and Debbie Tanner (currently ranked 16th in the world).

The triathlon’s platinum sponsor is Bayleys Real Estate. Bayleys’ Auckland Central residential manager, Rachel Dovey, says the company is committed to not only encouraging youngsters to develop their physical fitness, but also to assist the school’s worthy fundraising efforts.

“What better cause for Bayleys to support than having our Kiwi kids filling their lungs with fresh air and giving the Westmere Try a go,” says Ms Dovey.

All funds raised by the triathlon will go towards a school hall for Westmere School.

“Westmere School currently has 600 students, yet we don’t have an indoor space to bring the rapidly growing number of children together for assemblies and other events,” says Ms Marino.

“The Bayleys Westmere Kids Try will give a welcome boost to the efforts of our school community over the last five years to raise funds for a school hall.”

The organisers plan to make the triathlon an annual event, with entries open to children from other schools in future years.

The Bayleys Westmere Kids Try’s Gold sponsors are Charlies, Re:ab and Rode.