Have your say on international disabilities report

Tariana Turia

Wednesday 3 November 2010, 5:53PM

By Tariana Turia


The Minister for Disability Issues, Hon Tariana Turia, is inviting public comment on a draft government report on the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. The Government is required to report to the United Nations on how the Convention is being implemented in New Zealand.

"This is the first time New Zealand has reported to the United Nations about the Convention. I am very keen for disabled people and their families to have the opportunity to have input into this report" said Minister Turia.

From 3 November 2010 through to 17 December 2010 the Government is seeking public input into this report through face-to-face meetings, online discussion and written submissions.

New Zealand was a leader in getting the UN Convention negotiated, and is committed to ensuring that the rights of disabled people are met. New Zealand ratified the Convention in September 2008.

The first report will act as a baseline for future reporting to the UN, and will inform government's priorities for progressive realisation of disabled people's rights.

 "We want to have a report that paints a realistic picture of disabled people's experience today, and which can be used to promote, protect and monitor the rights of disabled people," said Mrs Turia.

For further information: contact Lisa Mulitalo on 021 220 0886

For a copy of the report, discussion and meeting timetable: