Cannabis Party hold annual conference
The Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party (ALCP) are calling for an amnesty for all personal cannabis use during the rugby world cup. "In light of recent alcohol-fueled violence at football games and the fact that an amnesty succeeded in Spain during the Soccer World Cup, we see no reason why a similar programme couldn't succeed here," Party Leader Michael Appleby said at the Party's AGM held in Christchurch at the weekend.
"Sports people like Jim Cassidy should never be punished for smoking cannabis. His three month suspension is ridiculous considering cannabis is not a performance-enhancing substance. Even more alarming is the life recent life-time ban of a Gold Coast league player for cannabis," said Wellington Barrister Mr Appleby
The ALCP has just held its 15th annual general meeting. "The Party congratulates the government for recently gazetting and approving Sativex, a cannabis-based spray. Some patients in need of medical marijuana are now able to access Sativex, with a prescription from just one doctor," said Mr Appleby.
"The party is also calling on the government to implement recommendations in the Law Commission's recent review of the Misuse of Drugs Act, as well as the NZ and Australian Drugs Foundations call to legalise, regulate and tax cannabis," said Mr Appleby. "3.5 million Californians recently voted to legalise and regulate cannabis. Professors, Professionals and Billionaires including George Soros supported the measure."
"We are only one step away from regulating and taxing cannabis here in New Zealand," added Julian Crawford the Party's Mana By-election Candidate.