Demystifying Packaging – Help is on the Way
Dunedin has been chosen as one of five focus towns for the ‘Demystifying Packaging Choices’ project launched in Wellington last week.
The project aims to raise consumer awareness of packaging products, both good and bad, and is being co-ordinated by Wanaka Wastebusters.
Cath Irvine, DCC Waste Strategy Officer, says the Dunedin City Council is excited about the opportunity to be part of the project.
“I’m looking forward to collaborating with the Wastebusters project team in providing this information and support to our community,” she says.
The DCC already works with community groups to promote awareness of waste reduction, recently successfully helping the Otago Farmers Market Trust implement its Waste Policy and establish Dunedin’s first public places recycling stations. Vendors at Otago Farmers Market are changing their packaging to be better aligned with the Council’s and community goals to reduce waste.
The other four towns involved in the project are Wanaka, Gore, Nelson and Grey Lynn - Auckland. Wanaka Wastebusters is also working on a travelling road show which is expected to begin touring in April 2011. The road show will raise awareness of packaging waste and offer solutions for the community.