'Stag-gering' opportunity in deer park sale

One of New Zealand’s biggest and most successful commercial deer parks – including a stud farm and hunting block – has been placed on the market for sale.
Foveran Deer Park located in the Hakataramea Valley midway between Christchurch and Dunedin encompasses three separately run properties being sold either as single units or one joint holding.
Combined, the 2897 hectare park is currently carrying 15600 stock units and generating between $2.5million and $3.3million in revenues from 10 different income streams. Within the portfolio are three individual farms - Foveran Station, Winterburg Farm, and Hakataramea Downs.
Foveran Station is a 1389 hectare farm block featuring a mix of irrigated and dryland paddocks plus a large area of hill country - including two trophy hunting parks on which commercial hunting operations are conducted.
The station block – carrying 5800 stock units - includes a character homestead, storage buildings, implement sheds, large deer handling and sale facilities, hay barns, a wintering shed, woolshed, covered yards and an office.
Winterburg Farm comprises 595 hectares of mixed irrigated and dryland paddocks carrying 3850 stock units. There is a cottage on the property, as well as outbuildings and an implement shed, two hay sheds, and a deer handling facility. A lime quarry, operated by a third party via a lease arrangement, provides a consistent income stream for this farm.
Completing the trilogy, Hakataramea Downs located towards the head of the Hakataramea Valley, is a 914 hectare farm carrying 5950 stock units, that has been subject to an extensive development programme and is now nearly fully deer fenced. It includes a homestead, cottage, outbuildings, implement shed and a new deer handling facility.
The farms are being jointly sold by Bayleys Canterbury and Bayleys Wanaka through an international sales process – with expressions of interest closing on December 15. Bayleys Canterbury director Bill Whalan said the large-scale Foveran Deer Park operation is renowned for producing some of New Zealand’s best red deer stock for venison, as well as being a major supplier to New Zealand’s popular trophy hunting industry.
Foveran Deer Park is home to New Zealand Trophy Hunting, an outfitting company specialising in delivering high-end hunting experiences to avid hunters from around the world. Hunter Hills Lodge sits on six-and-a-half hectares on the outskirts of Kurow township, and features a five bedroom residence, five bathrooms, kitchen, lounge and informal living areas to accommodate multiple hunting parties throughout the year.
“Because of the sheer size of the operation under the Foveran Deer Park umbrella, the opportunity exists to buy each of the farm units separately, in any combination, or as a combined operation,” Mr Whalan said.
“Foveran Deer Park is predominately run as a large-scale red deer stud with cattle and sheep providing a good balance to the properties by grazing the land outside the deer fenced areas.
“All three properties have good quantities of water available for irrigation and existing water rights. The landscape of the properties allows for future water harvesting during the winter, by constructing several earth dams, leading to increased production. And an ongoing development programme has enhanced productivity significantly with well established pastures, extensive fencing and established shelter.
Bayleys Wanaka sales consultant Trevor MacKay said Foveran’s red deer stud is one of the largest and longest established deer studs in New Zealand - with more than 3000 stud deer in pasture. Each year Foveran offers a selection of its best genetic stock for sale by auction.
These auctions are well attended by commercial deer farmers, stud deer farmers and trophy hunting outfitters throughout New Zealand, Mr MacKay said. The stag sale is in January, and a sale of hinds is in June.
The stud also operates an embryo transplant programme as part of the Foveran breeding programme - producing up to 400 embryos from the leading genetics in New Zealand. The offspring of these animals command high prices at the sales, he said.
All three farming properties have extensive frontage onto the Hakataramea River - internationally renowned as a pristine fly fishing and salmon river offering recreational activities such as swimming, camping and picnicking.
Mr Whalan said some vendor financing was potentially available to purchasers – while all stock currently farmed on the three properties could be purchased in addition to the land and buildings on offer. All interest in the property must be registered with Bayleys before the December 15 deadline.