Fluoridation meets its Waterloo

Saturday 20 November 2010, 11:39PM

By Fluoride Action Network NZ


Fluoridation was ended after 28 years, by popular vote in the region of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, on 25 October.
Public Health officials launched a major campaign to keep adding the toxin to the Water supply and the local newspaper strongly supported fluoridation, in conflict with journalistic standards of impartiality. “We see the same pattern in New Zealand” says Mark Atkin of health activist group Fluoride Action Network NZ. ”In Hamilton in 2004 the Waikato DHB spent an estimated $100,000 plus of taxpayer money on its campaign. And the Waikato Times was so biased that a local free paper focussed on facts supporting the case against fluoridation to restore the balance of information to the public.”
Also on 25 October the City Council of Hoquiam, Washington, USA voted not to begin fluoridation, against the Mayor’s proposal. The public gallery was full of citizens opposing the move. Nevertheless, the Mayor then stated he would force fluoridation on the community.
“We fail to comprehend how these fanatics think they have a right to force their views on those who clearly know better. We saw it last year with the Central Hawke’s Bay Council voting against the wishes of 60% of Waipukurau residents who wanted fluoridation ceased. We saw it with Mayor Percy Dowse forcing fluoridation on Lower Hutt in 1963, and Wellington ex-mayor Kerry Prendergast’s attitude expressed before the recent elections. The arrogance of these people is just astounding!” exclaims Mr Atkin.
Fluoridation was soundly rejected in Northland this year. A vote on fluoridation in Kapiti earlier this year was tied, because one Councillor (opposed to fluoridation) was given the wrong meeting date. New Plymouth and Whakatane Councils are reviewing fluoridation policy in 2011. The debate in Hastings was heated, with fluoridation continuing in spite of Hastings, after 57 years of fluoridation, having consistently worse tooth decay than neighbouring unfluoridated Napier.
“With this rising public opposition to fluoridation, the NZ Ministry of Health has engaged a private contractor to help it force the toxin into more towns’ public water supplies. With a growing mountain of science showing serious health risks from fluoride, it is simply sickening to watch health bureaucrats and certain city councillors acting like lemmings” laments Mr Atkin.

Fluoridation dictators taken to international court.
Citizens of Queensland, Australia, are preparing to take the Queensland Government to the United Nations International Court of Justice for forcing fluoridation on them. Opposition to increased forced fluoridation in Australia has been vigorous, as State Governments ignore the people’s wishes.
"[Citizens have] done some research and they've informed me that they intend to take the Queensland Government to the Hague, which is the international court, on the basis that it is a violation of human rights to be subjected to the forced medication of fluoride" explains the area's councillor Julia Leu.
A recent attempt by the Hampshire Strategic Health Authority, UK, equivalent to NZ’s DHBs, to force fluoridation on the area in spite of overwhelming public opposition to fluoridation, was also met with court action. The SHA’s vote was made in spite of there also being no difference in decay rates between the fluoridated and unfluoridated communities.
Numerous cases in lower courts have held that fluoridation is not forced medication because people can choose to avoid it. “But no court has ever explained how you avoid it when soft drinks, and even organic fruit juice, may be made with fluoridated water but not stated on the label. None has ever explained how you avoid it when dining at a restaurant in a fluoridated area” points out Mark Atkin of Atkin of health activist group Fluoride Action Network NZ.
“We know of a Wellington man who cannot go to a Wellington restaurant for even one meal, or his chronic fatigue returns. He suffered for five years before discovering he had a heightened sensitivity to fluoride, causing the condition. Research shows that at least one percent of the population has some level of chemical intolerance to fluoride at the levels used in the water supply” advises Mr Atkin.
“But because health officials refuse to acknowledge any harm from this toxin, in spite of a mountain of research and numerous medical case histories from overseas and NZ, it is understandably mis-diagnosed by NZ-trained GPs who have not been trained in fluoride toxicity and not subsequently informed themselves. So that is up to 40,000 NZers suffering needlessly. That the officials of a profession supposedly committed to curing or alleviating the suffering of mankind knowingly ignore this, and keep trainee doctors from knowing this, disgusts me, quite frankly. Let us hope the international court sees some sense” says Mr Atkin.