Hastings Railway Pedestrian Crossing Gets Green Light

For 60 years residents and local schools near Hastings Boys High School have been calling for a pedestrian rail crossing to be installed between Karamu Rd and Railway Rd and now they will have one before this Christmas.
Every morning up to 150 pupils, plus people on their way to work, parents with prams and people with bikes, cross the railway line illegally, with an estimate of up to 500 illegal crossings a day. Various safety measures to stop the practice have failed.
Hastings District Council has been working on behalf of the community to come up with a solution with rail authority, KiwiRail and now KiwiRail has approved a level pedestrian crossing adjacent to the end of Gascoigne Street.
This is a major early success for Council’s Model Communities project, which aims to encourage walking and cycling and increase safety for commuters. The project will cost approximately $15k which will be paid for out of the $4.1m New Zealand Transport Agency Model Communities fund won by Council earlier this year.
Hastings Mayor Lawrence Yule says installing the safety lights and barrier will greatly improve the safety of local residents and school children who are currently putting their lives at risk.
“This is great example of what Model Communities can achieve – Council, Government agencies, schools and our community working together to improve the safety for our kids and commuters.
“As well as making life easier for pedestrians in the area the level-crossing will also form part of one of four planned cycling arterials constructed under the Model Communities project,” Mayor Yule says.
The pedestrian crossing is the first in a number of projects planned to improve facilities for pedestrians and cyclists between Flaxmere, Hastings, Havelock North and Clive to make the choice to walk or cycle an easier one. (See Arterial Map below)
This arterial will link Flaxmere and Hastings and is due for completion before June 2011.
KiwiRail have appointed a project manager to ensure progress on the construction, which is expected to be complete by mid-December.
KiwiRail Network Central Regional Manager Walter Rushbrook says the community has advanced a strong case for the crossing to be installed.
“Rail policy over a number of years has been to limit the number of crossings to reduce the potential for collisions. However, Hastings has advanced a compelling case why installing this crossing enhances public safety,” Mr Rushbrook says.
Hastings Boys High School principal Rob Sturch says the school is pleased to have the safety issue addressed.
“We thank all those who have worked towards this solution. The safety of our students has always been our priority and the crossing will remove one of our major concerns for students travelling to and from school".