Agreement on Frankton Marina

Queenstown Lakes District Council

Monday 29 November 2010, 12:36PM

By Queenstown Lakes District Council



The Queenstown Lakes District Council has entered into an agreement for the future development of the Frankton Marina.

“In October the previous Council authorised the signing of an agreement with Queenstown Marina Developments Limited (QMDL),” QLDC chief executive Debra Lawson said.

The Council originally commenced discussions with the company in 2006, entering into a Memorandum of Understanding at that time, which lapsed due to an Environment Court Appeal of resource consents.

In September last year, the Council started a ‘fresh’ process and nationally sought expressions of interest for the marina development, with four being received.

“A working party consisting of elected representatives then worked through those proposals, eventually recommending the Council enter into a Memorandum of Understanding with QMDL, which now holds consents for this development,” Ms Lawson said.

The successful developer was approved by the Council in October this year.

“A number of issues have been worked through with the developer including a ‘live test’ of the proposed lake bed screw anchors and a thorough review of the marine design and landscape elements,” Ms Lawson said.

The agreement was conditional on a number of tasks being completed including QMDL obtaining all appropriate consents and leases by June 2011.

“Broadly the agreement would see 200 berths developed with unrestricted public access and 40 berths available for public lease,” Ms Lawson said.

The proposal included significant landscaping of the area.