Council Briefs From The Chief Executive

Tararua District Council

Monday 29 November 2010, 12:38PM

By Tararua District Council



Woodville Main Street Upgrade: Momentum on the Woodville Town Centre upgrade continues with a public meeting organised by Woodville Districts’ Vision and the design consultants. Public feedback on design layout and use of materials will influence the construction drawings that are the next step in this project. Woodville Upgrade Residents Group (WURG) is keen for work to start after the summer holidays to take advantage of remaining good weather, but reduce disruption to retailers.

Rating Review: Early preparation for the council’s promised rating review is likely to start before Christmas with a councillor briefing in mid December. Among the points to be covered in preparation are the key points between Capital and Land Valuation and feedback from other councils that have consulted on rating system changes to use the lessons they learnt and ensure the public consultation process works.

New Communications and Marketing Role: Following the merging of two current part time roles (Media and District Marketing) into one from the end of this year, Council is considering key objectives for this new position. .

Utilities- Water: A drop in water flows caused by the recent good weather has resulted in water restrictions starting at Akitio Beach settlement in the first week in December. Rivers feeding the Manawatu River are also dropping, meaning the daily allowance Council can take is also restricted for the townships using surface takes.

Parks and Reserves: Pahiatua’s flagship playground attraction, the Harvard will be enhanced by plans to introduce new safety features in the New Year. Elsewhere in the district the Manawatu Gorge biodiversity project is progressing with a walking track on the southern side of the Gorge nearing completion and information kiosks, toilets and tree plantings planned. In Dannevirke a mountain bike/walking trail has been successfully completed by Community Max workers and an official opening held; a revamp of the stillborn area at the Mangatera cemetery is nearly completed and at Alfredton gardens are being partly revamped and an ashes berm installed