Heritage Protection Fund Assists Archives

Tararua District Council

Monday 29 November 2010, 12:39PM

By Tararua District Council



Assistance from the council’s heritage protection fund will bring the storage of some historic records a step closer.

At a meeting last week councillors were prepared to support an application for $1,915 from the Pahiatua Genealogy Group to establish a repository for copies of a former newspaper the Woodville Examiner.

The group already has support from Woodville Districts’ Vision which has granted 50% of the $4,830 budget towards the project.

The Pahiatua Genealogy Group is putting up $500.

The group proposes to purchase copies of the Woodville Examiner from 1892-1938 through the National Library microfilm.

The copies will be located at the Woodville Library alongside copies of the ‘Examiner’ from 1883 – 1887.