Extra time to save broadcasting group
Tuesday 30 November 2010, 11:56AM
By Rhema Broadcasting Group
To secure the future of Christian radio in New Zealand, The Rhema Broadcasting Group (RBG) needs to renew the majority of its commercial radio frequency licences for the next 20 years by paying the NZ Government $6.4 million.
To allow RBG time to raise the funds required to secure the licences the Government has offered RBG a further three month extension to the deadline to pay.
John Fabrin, RBG CEO says, “We have just received news from the Government that we have been granted a second extension to the settlement date. An additional three months has been given to allow time to try and raise the funds necessary to secure all the licences. The new deadline for payment is the 2nd March 2011.”
Payment was originally due in early October 2010, but to provide time for discussions between RBG and the Government to be concluded this was extended by two months until the 3rd December 2010. Following Government deliberations this has now been extended again.
“We are of course very thankful to the Lord for this extension of the deadline.” says John Fabrin.
“It is vital that we continue to do all we can over the next 3 months to secure the finance required to purchase the licences. To date we have $4.2 million pledged or donated. Not all of this money is in the bank however. For example $400,000 is pledged over 4 years.
“We are making good progress but need everyone to keep on praying, sharing the need and giving what they can as they feel able.”
Fabrin adds that there is still time for people to play a part in helping to create a positive future for New Zealand by securing the frequency licences for Rhema Broadcasting Group - to donate to the 2030 Vision campaign people can visit - www.2030vision.co.nz
“This once in a generation investment is of huge importance to the Christian community and indeed generally for the people of New Zealand. Tens of thousands of people benefit from RBG broadcasts every day. Many of them see their lives changed for good by the messages of faith, hope and love that RBG is able to provide through its home-based media mission.”
RBG is committed to continuing its Christian radio coverage across New Zealand for the benefit of everyone. Rhema has always been a collaborative effort; the whole Body of Christ working together to see 24 hour 7 day per week Christian radio across New Zealand.
“We are immensely grateful for everyone who has supported Rhema Broadcasting Group’s 2030 Vision project to renew the 20 year commercial AM/FM radio broadcasting licences” says Fabrin. “It is a ‘very big mountain to climb’ and we want to say, thanks to the thousands of generous supporters who have given faithfully so that we are now well on the way to achieving the goal…that is ensuring that we have Christian radio freely available not only for this generation …but also for the next.”
“Every person who has been involved in supporting the project by committing resources has in many ways demonstrated their trust and confidence in God. This has been the Rhema story right from our beginnings back in the early 1960s” says Fabrin.