Whangarei Sky Vandalized By Aerosol Operations Today

Clare Swinney

Tuesday 30 November 2010, 9:03PM

By Clare Swinney


One of Many Aerosol Trails Seen Over the Whangarei Region on November the 30th
One of Many Aerosol Trails Seen Over the Whangarei Region on November the 30th Credit: Clare Swinney
Aerosol Trails Criss-Crossed The Whangarei Sky On November the 30th
Aerosol Trails Criss-Crossed The Whangarei Sky On November the 30th Credit: Clare Swinney


The Whangarei sky was painted with bright-white aerosol material and trails today and a plane was caught in the act of spraying a trail, which persisted for over 20 minutes and expanded into cloud-like material.  In other words, it is highly unlikely that the material that emanated from the plane was merely condensation/ ice crystals. 

What was seen is significant given that these aerosol operations have been linked to the use of weather modification technology and the drought in Northland is continuing unabated. 

For more information, visit the Northland New Zealand Chemtrails Watch website and watch the excellent new documentary What In The World Are They Spraying?


North gets less than half normal rain

What In The World Are They Spraying? A documentary about the aerosol material being sprayed around the world in the name of saving the planet from "man-made global warming."