Photo exhibition in Parliament

Tariana Turia

Friday 3 December 2010, 9:27AM

By Tariana Turia



Disability Issues Minister Tariana Turia has welcomed a photographic exhibition in Parliament showing the experiences of disabled people and their families in other countries.

The Access for All exhibition will be on display in Parliament’s foyer until Monday December 13 and has been organised by CBM, an international disability and development organisation working to improve the lives of people with disabilities.

“This Friday is International Day of Disabled Persons and this exhibition is a real insight into the daily challenges that disabled people and their families face in low and middle income countries,” says Mrs Turia.

“More than 600 million people worldwide live with a disability and photo exhibitions like this help to raise awareness and change people’s perceptions about people with disabilities.”

Mrs Turia says this Government is committed to improving the lives of people with disabilities and as part of Budget 2010 announced initiatives that will ensure that New Zealand is in line with the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

“We have committed $750,000 to resource a network of disabled people’s organisations to monitor disabled people’s experience in living their life and difficulties they encounter, such as with accessing government services.”

“It doesn’t matter what country a person with disabilities lives in they all have the same goal – to lead an ordinary life.”