Disabled people have their say
Disability Issues Minister Tariana Turia is welcoming the release of a report on the human rights of disabled people in New Zealand.
The report, Disability Rights in Aotearoa New Zealand, was written by the Convention Coalition, which is a collaboration of New Zealand’s disabled peoples’ organisations.
The Coalition comprises the Disabled Persons Assembly, Association of Blind Citizens of New Zealand Inc, Deaf Aotearoa NZ, Ngati Kapo, Nga Hau E Wha and People First New Zealand.
“I congratulate the Convention Coalition for all the hard work that has gone into producing this informative report.
“This report illustrates that disabled people want to be part of their community and enjoy everyday activities just as other New Zealanders do,” says Mrs Turia.
“It also highlights areas where improvements need to be made so that disabled people can live an everyday life.”
“It will assist us in building on the momentum, in maintaining a comprehensive focus on disability issues across all government departments and policy sectors.”
Mrs Turia says the Government is developing a single disability action plan that will focus on areas where improvements can be made.
“I expect that the experiences of disabled people detailed in this report will inform government work and will be of use to all sectors, particularly employers, local government and communities.”
The Government is currently seeking feedback from disabled people and their families on its first report to the United Nations on the implementation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
For more information go to http://haveyoursay.odi.govt.nz/
The Disability Rights in Aotearoa New Zealand report will be formally launched at Parliament by Mrs Turia at 6.30pm today.