Large Objects On The Move

Dunedin City Council

Thursday 16 December 2010, 10:51AM

By Dunedin City Council



With the Otago Settlers’ Museum redevelopment well underway, some of the bulkiest items in the collection are being moved into, or out of, temporary storage.
Next on the move is transport icon, double-ended Fairlie steam locomotive Josephine. For more than 80 years, Josephine, the first locomotive to run on the Dunedin-Port Chalmers line in 1872, has had pride of place at the Railway Station end of the Museum. After being displayed at the 1925-26 New Zealand and South Seas Exhibition, she was put out to pasture on the lawn beside the Museum. By the 1960s, after decades exposed to the elements, Josephine was in need of restoration and, in March 1968, following a public campaign to 'save' the old locomotive, she was installed in her own specially-built, glassed-in annex.
More than 40 years later Josephine is going on a short holiday while another new, and much improved, house is built for her.
Wedges, chains and beams!
Moving Josephine is a tricky and precise job, and much care is being taken to do this properly – not to mention safely!
• Steel wedges will be placed against the train’s wheels to prevent movement
• Chains will fix the axles to the track
• Four large beams will be placed under the track and the whole track and train will be moved together
• A 70-tonne hydraulic jacking system will lift Josephine
• Josephine will be lifted onto load skates and rolled sideways to clear the building
• Then she will be lifted up onto a hydraulic self-levelling 55 tonne transporter
• She will be accompanied by three certified load pilots to her temporary storage location.

Josephine on the move
17 December - Set-up from 7.00 am, the actual move will be at about 11.00 am