Small screen helps big screen dreams

Thursday 16 December 2010, 12:04PM

By Triangle Stratos Television Limited



Filmmaking starts with a dream and in 2011 Triangle Stratos TV is helping to bring that dream to life through the international Western Union Short Film Competition.

The theme for the 2011 competition is ‘Dreams’. Entries must be no longer than 10 minutes and should be submitted before January 15.

Finalists will have their films featured across two continents and showcased at Indian Film Festivals in Melbourne, Sydney, Perth and Auckland. Triangle Television and Stratos Television will also screen the films later next year.

Three finalists, one from India, Australia and New Zealand, will be selected and flown to Mumbai to meet key industry figures. The ultimate winner will have the chance to rub shoulders with international filmmaking leaders at the events’ gala night in Melbourne.

Triangle Stratos CEO Jim Blackman believes that this is a fantastic opportunity for any aspiring filmmaker- professional or amateur- to test their talent on the world stage.

“Last year this event attracted over 200 entries and helped three filmmakers realise their ambitions. We are delighted to be involved again this year as a sponsor especially because we will be showcasing these films on Stratos and giving a real plug to the New Zealand short film industry.” Mr Blackman says.

For entry conditions or to download an entry form please visit