Guide dog sponsorship reaches $2million milestone

One of New Zealand’s most endearing corporate sponsorships this week reached a new milestone – with the Royal New Zealand Foundation of the Blind’s (RNZFB) Guide Dog Services receiving a total of $2million from its principal sponsor since the partnership began.
Leading real estate agency Bayleys has been behind Guide Dog Services since 2004 – helping to raise and train more than 85 puppies to become guide dogs for blind and partially sighted people throughout New Zealand.
The partnership this week celebrated reaching the $2million mark – with a commitment from both the recipient organisation and the corporate donor to take the sponsorship to greater levels over the coming year.
Chief Executive Officer for the Royal New Zealand Foundation of the Blind, Sandra Budd, says the organisation is incredibly grateful for the valuable support Bayleys has delivered over the past six years.
“When the RNZFB and Bayleys first signed the partnering agreement in 2004, we jointly set an ambitious goal of raising $1million dollars over three years for Guide Dog Services. Amazingly we were able to celebrate this fantastic milestone of $1million within 18 months,” says Ms Budd.
“Since then the property market has gone through a tough period, however Bayleys has stayed true to its commitment to the RNZFB’s Guide Dog Services, and has continued to raise funds on our behalf.”
“Bayleys’ nationwide network provides great reach throughout the country for fundraising, and enables a greater level of exposure to the public than we could have otherwise achieved – and for this the RNZFB is particularly appreciative.”
“This $2million milestone is truly outstanding given the current state of the economy, and has made a big difference to the RNZFB’s ability to continue its Guide Dog Services programme, in turn enabling many blind and partially sighted New Zealanders live their lives to the full.”
Ms Budd says Bayleys has also continually gone ‘beyond the call of duty’ in supporting the RNZFB’s Red Puppy Appeal and Blind Week.
Bayleys managing director Mike Bayley said the company’s staff had enthusiastically taken on board fundraising activities for Guide Dog Services – from sausage sizzles through to art sales, from a high-profile public auction at the New Zealand Golf Open through to rattling collection buckets at A&P show days.
“In partnering with the Royal New Zealand Foundation of the Blind’s Guide Dog Services, Bayleys sought a charity which would not only inspire our teams to contribute back to the community, but also become endearing to the greater Kiwi population. Guide Dog Services has far exceeded our expectations on both counts,” Mike Bayley said.
“We’re now looking at what new fundraising initiatives we can undertake in 2011, and we’ve got a couple of rippers lined up which we’re finalising now with the intention of announcing to the New Zealand public early next year,” he added.
Interesting puppy facts
- RNZFB puppies are identified by their bright red coats. The RNZFB aims to graduate 42 guide dogs each year.
- It takes about two years to train a guide dog, including puppy walking.
- The RNZFB receives no government funding for Guide Dog Services.
- There are around 240 guide dog teams in New Zealand.
- About 40 people are currently waiting for a guide dog.
- The average time spent waiting for a guide dog is 6-12 months, but it can take longer if people have particular needs.
- The average working life of a guide dog is 8-10 years.
- Guide Dog Services was established in South Auckland in 1973.