Spiritual festivities atop of Mt Wakefield, Aoraki Mount Cook National Park
Thursday 23 December 2010, 8:54AM
By Aetherius Society
Twenty-four followers of The Aetherius Society - a worldwide spiritual organization dedicated to help heal and uplift humanity – will scale Mount Wakefield (6,561ft) in Aoraki Mount Cook National Park on Christmas Eve as part of a sacred pilgrimage.
Their journey commemorates a dramatic climb undertaken by their spiritual leader, the late Dr George King, on Christmas Eve 1960. The 2010 group will return to Mount Cook to celebrate Christmas as their leader did 50 years before.
During his adventure and ordeal in 1960, Dr King came back with the belief the rock on the slopes of Mount Wakefield had become ‘charged’ – making the mountain one of 19 Holy Mountains in the world.
Late Englishman King; The Aetherius Society Founder and a Western Master of Yoga, believed he was contacted at Charge Rock (6,300ft) on Mount Wakefield, by Cosmic Masters - spiritual elders from other worlds attempting to save Planet Earth from its downfall.
King was on a personal mission “to become the voice of the Interplanetary Parliaments” when he stood breath-taken by the sheer magnificence of the Southern Alps as he stood in front of the Hermitage Hotel just before Christmas in 1960.
Despite no maps or signage in the early mountaineering days of the National Park, King and fellow traveler Keith Robertson set off determined to climb Mount Wakefield on Christmas Eve – only to encounter crumbling mountainside, tumbling rocks and later grave danger from the onset of nightfall.
Following a dramatic scramble King gathered himself on a protruding rock, (Charge Rock). It was here where he believed he felt the ‘Power’ from the Cosmic Masters of the Solar System pass through him.
“It was Christmas Eve and although not really commemorative of His Birth, nevertheless a time when people turn their thoughts towards Jesus- the Master of Love,” reads an extract from his book, entitled ‘Operation Starlight.“
“It came gently at first, did the Power, as though from afar. Then it became stronger, more definite, vibrant. It flowed through me into the cold rock of Wakefield in a stream of multi-hued fire projected from the Heart of the Master Jesus Himself.”
Robertson painted Charge Rock with The Aetherius Society Symbol and the pair began their descent following a nearby mountain stream, where they reached two sheer drops of several hundred feet. Gradually as sun set behind the mountain and Robertson and King faced yet more hardship with no food, water, lighting or safety equipment.
The pair spent the night huddled together and shivering at 6,000 feet above civilization, but looked positively on their experience, reflecting on their story as if it was meant to be. The next day (Christmas Day) unexplainable sickness, hunger, dehydration, red-raw feet and blisters further blighted the pair as they made their way down.
Finally, reaching the Hermitage the Warden and Manager approached the pair in worry and immediately sat Robertson and King in front of a meal of salad and lobster.
This Friday, Christmas Eve, the fit among the guests will attempt to climb Mount Wakefield. Others will make the trek to the lower slopes and conduct their services. Each group will join in dynamic prayer and mantra to send out energy to the world. In the evening the pilgrims then gather to exchange thoughts and experiences while dining at the Alpine Restaurant.
About the Aetherius Society
The Aetherius Society is a worldwide spiritual organization dedicated to help heal and uplift humanity. Founded in 1955 by the late Western Master Dr. George King, The Aetherius Society practices a powerful new form of Karma yoga. This new yoga is based on the wisdom of the spiritual traditions of old as well as new wisdom released by advanced spiritual masters in response to humanity's scientific advancement and its dire need. www.aetherius.org.nz.