Woodville Water Supply –Total Hosing Ban

Tararua District Council

Tuesday 18 January 2011, 9:02AM

By Tararua District Council



We have a mechanical breakdown at the water treatment plant and an algae growth in the Impounded supply due to climatic conditions, which is giving us a concern with taste and odour. The River flows have dropped significantly in the Mangapapa Stream. Council’s Resource Consent does not allow any water to be taken from the river when the flows are this low. The impounded supply is being used solely at present. The water is safe to drink; however if you are concerned then boil the water.

A Total Hosing ban is effective Immediately and residents are asked to please conserve water wherever possible

These restrictions apply to all properties connected to the town water supply.

Your co-operation is needed. Hopefully this will be short term.

Dave Watson

Utilities Manager