ALCP Botany By-Election Candidate Leo Biggs

Friday 11 February 2011, 8:02AM

By Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party



The Aotearoa Leglise Cannabis Party are pleased to announce that Leo
Biggs will be representing the Party in the Botany By-election. Mr Biggs
will bring honesty and integrity to the politial landscape as well as
offer voters the most logical choice for economic prosperity.

Mr Biggs believes that economic issues will come to the fore in this
by-election. "ALCP policy will add a billion dollars to government
revenue each year," says Mr Biggs. "A third of this Billion Dollars will
come from ending prohibition enforcement costs, a third will come trom
GST on the cannabis trade and a third from GST on the Hemp Industry"

Mr Biggs is calling on voters to "choose a party that is really going
to make a difference in power and a candidate that is honest, reliable
and a good voice for the people of Botany."

ALCP is the only party that will grow government revenue. Leo Biggs is
the candidate that will best represent the Botany electorate. "I am 26
years of age and work for Back Ground Talent company," says My Biggs. "I
want to restore faith in the way our political system runs. No one cares
how much you know unto they know how much you care," he concluded.