Changing attitudes the key to ensuring equality

Tariana Turia

Wednesday 16 February 2011, 7:08AM

By Tariana Turia


Changing attitudes is the key to ensuring people with disabilities are treated equally, says Disability Issues Minister Tariana Turia.

Mrs Turia says she is deeply disappointed and saddened by recent comments from a media commentator criticising disabled sportspeople.

“Disabled people should not have to put up with such derogatory comments"

“We should be enabling people to participate in all aspects of life rather than marginalising them because they have a disability,” says Mrs Turia.

"All such comments end in doing is to create a disabling society, where individuals are limited by prejudice and ignorance"

“Improving attitudes and behaviours towards disabled people will ensure that people with disabilities can live their lives in a way which enables them to be the best that they can be - rather than being constrained by the judgments of others.”

As part of Budget 2010 the Government announced it will invest $3 million over the next three years to address attitudes and behaviour which limit opportunities for disabled people.

“Changing negative attitudes will help reduce discriminatory behaviour and ensure that disabled people can live ordinary lives on an equal basis with others.”

“I have seen first hand how we can support people with disabilities by simply changing attitudes and focusing on what people can do rather than what they can’t do.”