Minister Releases Papers Outlining Government's Aspirations For Auckland Spatial Plan
Minister of Local Government and Chair of the Cabinet Committee for Implementation of Auckland Governance Reforms Rodney Hide today released papers setting out the Government’s aspirations for Auckland, in support of the Auckland Council’s public consultation phase for the development of its first spatial plan.
The papers have been developed in collaboration with various departments and outline the Government’s views on key policy issues such as housing, urban development, transport, business and economic growth and social development. These are available on the Department of Internal Affairs’ website:
Ministers met with Auckland Mayor Len Brown, Auckland Council Chief Executive Doug McKay and Chief Planning Officer Roger Blakeley early in March to discuss how the Government and the Auckland Council could work together to ensure the spatial plan supports central and local government’s efforts to transform Auckland.
The papers were used at that meeting to clarify the Government’s position in a number of key areas.
“We wanted to be very clear about our broader goals for Auckland, and about the importance this Government places on engaging with the Auckland Council and with Aucklanders as they develop their spatial plan,” Minister Hide said.
“We regard the plan as a very important document that provides a basis for developing Auckland into a truly vital and vibrant city, capable of making a significant contribution to the long-term growth of the whole country," Minister Hide said.