Christchurch Embassy Moving

Dunedin City Council

Monday 28 March 2011, 12:43PM

By Dunedin City Council



The Christchurch Embassy is moving to the Community Gallery at 300 Moray Place, directly opposite Community House.

Christchurch families and individuals are still frequenting the Embassy, which was established on 1 March, and, although there has been a decline in usage, current visitor numbers indicate that there is still a need for the service the Embassy is providing in Dunedin.

The Christchurch Embassy Steering Committee has decided to scale down the operation and therefore no longer needs the large area at the Railway Station. The Embassy will operate at the Community Gallery from 1 April, and will still offer all the services that have been available to date. It will remain open until 22 April, two months after the earthquake and the Embassy free phone number, 0800 888 078, is also still in operation.

DCC Community Advisor Michael Laufiso says the wider Dunedin community, as well as local social service agencies, community organisations, and businesses, has contributed greatly to the success of the Embassy.

“The Christchurch Embassy Committee would like to acknowledge the contributions of both the public and the wider community. They have been very much appreciated and have added to the positive response which has been attributed to the Embassy,” he says.