Winner of Kapiti Island Nature Tours photo competition announced
Monday 11 April 2011, 10:07AM
By Kapiti Island Nature Tours & Kapiti Nature Lodge
After a long search, the best photo of or from Kapiti Island has been found. Waikanae resident Stefan Mokrzecki has won with his entry Serenity. A special unplanned runner-up award has also been given to 12-year-old Jacob Hulme-Moir, from Porirua, with his comical photo What's up!!
The competition started in November and was created to give locals and past visitors to Kapiti Island the opportunity to share their experiences. 177 entries were received, 51 were chosen for a short list, and seven made it to the finals.
Run by Kapiti Island Nature Tours to encourage more locals to visit and stay on the Island, the competition has been a great success. John Barrett, co-owner says the overall calibre of the entries was great. “We received many photos, especially ones like young Jacob’s, that really express the Kapiti Island experience. We’re thrilled.”
Winner Stefan Mokrzecki says of his photo, “It was one of those evenings that are truly magical where the sea was almost flat and for me reinforced the feeling of serenity. The fisherman was about to pack up for the night. I wonder if he’ll recognise himself when he sees the photo.”
Mr Mokrzecki has been taking photos for 20 years and used to supply photos to stock image libraries. He’s never visited Kapiti Island before. “We moved back from Australia six years ago and have always been meaning to go.”
12-year-old Jacob Hulme-Moir visited Kapiti Island at Christmas with his family, as a present from his Grandad. He took his photo just after a cheeky weka pecked the lens of his camera. “I was lying on the grass on Kapiti Island when it happened. I quickly took the photo and snapped him as he jumped away. Then he pecked my finger.”
The week-long public judging at Paraparaumu i-SITE saw many family members and friends of the finalists come in to vote. The i-SITE’s Visitor Consultant & Operator Liason, Samantha Sanderson, says “I think this was a great idea to showcase what amazing images there are out there, as well as giving someone the opportunity to experience our fantastic Island.”
The finalist and winning photos can be seen later in the week in a window display at DOC Wellington Visitor Centre in Manners St until the end of the month.
Kapiti Island Nature Tours would like to thanks its judges for their interest in the competition and their contribution towards the winning prize of an overnight Kiwi spotting adventure for four: Sue from Kapiti Tours (for the ferry tickets) and Gaylene Sanderson from Paraparaumu i-SITE (for the public judging and permanently displaying the final photo in Paraparaumu i-SITE.). And also to Kapiti News for their coverage of the competition, and DOC for their support.