ADT Armourguard expands training to pre-empt Act requiremenets

Thursday 14 April 2011, 3:48PM

By Whole Nine Yards PR


ADT Armourguard logo
ADT Armourguard logo Credit: ADT Armourguard

ADT Armourguard has moved to further expand its staff training programme, to pre-empt future requirements arising out of the recently enacted Private Security Personnel and Private Investigators Act 2010.

ADT Armourguard General Manager, Ian Anderson, said he believed the company was ‘paving the way’ in exceeding current requirements of the Act, with its enhanced training programme and creation of a new specialist training role within the organisation.

Ian said the company had appointed Daniel Van Der Merwe – a veteran of the security industry both locally and overseas - to the position of training officer.

“He will be responsible for overseeing the development and implementation of a host of new training strategies aimed at enhancing services provided by our security officers.”

Ian said he applauded changes being rolled out under the amended Act, as it would go a long way towards tightening up operators working within the security industry.

Under The Private Security Personnel and Private Investigators Act, an independent authority - the Security Personnel Licensing Authority - will assess applications, and issue licenses and certificates to people working in the private security and investigations industry in New Zealand. Currently the Act requires security personnel and private investigators to undertake appropriate training and hold licenses and certificates of approval. Specific training, qualification and competency requirements will become mandatory once the move to the new regime is complete.

“As a leading provider of security services in New Zealand we pride ourselves on having certified professional staff working across all areas of our business. We will continue to look for new ways to proactively support the Act and help drive change within the broader security industry.”

For more information on ADT Armourguard go to