Market expansion in real estate sector


Thursday 21 April 2011, 9:31AM

By Bayleys



Two of Blenheim’s leading real estate agencies have joined forces to expand the range of services offered to the Marlborough property sectors under the Bayleys banner.

Bayleys Marlborough and Century 21 operations in Blenheim will combine with effect from May 1, 2011, giving the new branch a combined marketing complement of 13 personnel in the residential sector, six sales people in the country and lifestyle sectors, and three sales consultants in the commercial and industrial property sector.

Bayleys Marlborough director Graeme Vining said the joining of the two companies was necessitated by the tough real estate market of the past few years – which had seen a large number of vendors in the region moving to companies with the broadest range of marketing capabilities.

“We are excited about the opportunities that an expanded and unified sale force brings to the market,” he said.

“Bayleys’ historical strengths have been in waterfront property throughout the Marlborough Sounds, along with rural and viticulture property. Century 21’s strength is in the residential sector - with two of the sales people, Kris Gibson and Mike Ryan, being the company’s highest sales achievers nationwide, and a third member from the office Dick Nardella, ranked number six in New Zealand.

“The new sales personnel who join Bayleys from Century 21 complement our existing team. Now, under the Bayleys umbrella, they will have access to a wider selection of marketing options – such as national magazines, South Island-specific brochures and international exposure through immigration and investment expo’s in the UK and Europe,” Mr Vining said.

“This joining of skills and personnel will allow Bayleys Marlborough to move into a whole new realm of residential property – one where we have battled to establish a presence in the market.”

Century 21’s residential property management division will also be moving to the Bayleys offices in Seymour Street. The shift will allow this division to expand its expertise into Bayleys’ network of commercial and industrial property management.

“The expansion comes at a period when, after the February 22 Christchurch earthquake, the wider New Zealand economy is once again showing increasing signs of moving out of recession and into a more stable phase ahead of forecast growth coming in over the third quarter of the year,” Mr Vining said.

Bayleys has 59 offices nationwide and is New Zealand’s largest full service real estate agency – encompassing sales across the residential, lifestyle, rural, and commercial and industrial property markets. In addition, the company has a valuations division, along with property taxation and depreciation consultancies.