Fund Working To Save Dunedin's Built Heritage

Dunedin City Council

Friday 29 April 2011, 9:29AM

By Dunedin City Council



The Dunedin Heritage Fund has allocated another $100,000 towards seven heritage projects in Dunedin following its March funding round.

Fund Chair, Councillor Lee Vandervis, explained that the range of project types receiving incentive funding in this round had increased “because of the proactive work of the fund, and because of a greater focus on earthquake strengthening due to learning from Christchurch’s earthquakes”.

He noted that "the Fund was now assisting two earthquake-strengthening projects with a number of other building owners expressing interest in getting more information through the DCC. A number of the projects also involve the re-use of heritage buildings which is good to see, as it helps the buildings have a really sustainable future".

Cr Vandervis notes there are still a couple of projects from the current round that require further information and the Fund will reconsider these in the coming months. "There is a growing demand for assistance from the Fund", says Cr Vandervis, "but this is also a positive trend, as it shows that good work is being done and that more people are realising the value of investing in heritage buildings".

The next funding round closes in September.

Projects funded include:

  • Duke of Wellington - ceiling restoration: $5000
  • Cargill’s Castle – engineering report $9000
  • Former Mornington Manse – restoration of verandah: $6500
  • Port Chalmers Maritime Museum – earthquake strengthening: $35,000
  • 412a George Street – earthquake strengthening: $25,000
  • Robert Lord Cottage – brick sealing: $9500
  • Mathieson’s Farm – condition report and work specifications: $10,000