Continuing water restrictions for Wairoa residents - Civil Defence

Wairoa District Council

Sunday 1 May 2011, 1:34PM

By Wairoa District Council



Wairoa District Council engineers and contractors are continuing to work on the break in the water supply pipeline to Wairoa township. Temporary arrangements are in place to continue supply to households until the pipeline is fixed.

For Sunday 1 May 2011 water will be pumped into the township supply network to allow residents to replenish household water stores and carry out general household tasks at the following times.

Sunday – between noon and 1pm (this will rely on replenishment of the boundary tanks)

– between 6pm and 8pm

A water tanker will be based at the Clyde Hotel carpark on Queen Street for residents wanting to top up their household water supplies as the following times:
Sunday morning – from 10am to 12noon

Sunday afternoon – from 3pm and 5pm

Since the tanker can carry only a set amount of water, Council advises that rationing of no more than 20 litres per person will be allowed.
Council would still like people to continue to conserve water, avoid unnecessary ablutions, doing the laundry, putting on the dishwasher and consider their home water storage options.

Portaloos have also been placed outside the public toilets at Clyde Court and River Parade west for general use.

In the meantime, Council engineers and contractors are continuing to work on the break in the pipeline.

For more information phone Wairoa District Council on 838-7309.

Keep listening to this radio station for further announcements.