Have your say on Otaki public transport

Greater Wellington Regional Council

Friday 6 May 2011, 11:46AM

By Greater Wellington Regional Council



Greater Wellington is seeking public feedback on bus and train services in Otaki, Peka Peka and Te Horo as part of its review of public transport in the area.

Peter Glensor, Chair of Greater Wellington’s Economic Wellbeing Committee, which oversees public transport, says the review is part of Greater Wellington’s regular programme of service reviews. “We want to find out what people like about public transport in Otaki, Peka Peka and Te Horo and what they would most like to see changed. We’re looking at public transport routes, when and how often services run and how they connect with each other.”

Two key changes since Otaki services were last reviewed were the increased number of bus services in Otaki and the changes to the Otaki bus route since the extension of regular commuter train services to Waikanae.

“When Greater Wellington first contracted a bus service in Otaki back in 2005, it consisted of four bus trips: two return shopper bus trips to Paraparaumu on Wednesdays and Fridays. This has grown to a service with 12 trips every weekday and eight trips on Saturdays. Bus services now run at a range of times for commuters, school students and shoppers.

“Then in February this year, when the commuter train service extended from Paraparaumu to Waikanae, bus services were re-organised to connect with trains at Waikanae Station rather than Paraparaumu Station. This change was made to avoid the costly duplication of buses and trains both travelling between Waikanae and Paraparaumu.”

Peter Glensor says he expects that people who expressed concern about the February changes will be keen to have their say. “And of course we want them to, but we’re keen to hear from anyone who uses or is interested in public transport in the Otaki area.

“We’re committed to ensuring that public transport services meet people’s needs as much as possible but we do work with limited funds so we’re very keen to hear from the community what services they need most. Any changes considered need to be within the current budget levels as there is such strong pressure on our public transport budgets around the region.”

More information about the review and an online feedback form is available here. Copies of a brochure, including a feedback form, are being posted to Otaki, Peka Peka and Te Horo residents.

Feedback is needed by Thursday 16 June. People will be consulted on suggested changes to services around October this year and changes will be put in place from early next year.