Council declares former gang house unsafe
The Invercargill City Council is warning people not to enter the former gang house at 114 Severn Street because it is unsafe.
The Southland Times newspaper reported today that Louis Crimp, who owns the building, had said he would leave the property open to the public till Monday, so they could have a look around and take anything they wanted.
Building Consents Team Leader Phil Etherington said Council had received calls this morning from concerned residents about the building being unsafe.
“There were reports of people removing structural timber which prompted Council’s Building Consents and Environmental Health staff to inspect the property.
“Extensive structural material has been removed.
“Dwangs are missing from between wall studs, internal and external linings had been removed, copper pipe work from under the floor has also been removed and some of the external walls are open to the outside,” Mr Etherington said.
An “unsafe” notice and warning tape had been put up around the property to advise people to not enter the building.
Mr Etherington said Council would be contacting the property owner today to formerly advise of the unsafe nature of the building.