Employment scheme cleans up Hawkes Bay

Monday 16 May 2011, 5:59PM

By David Carter



Social Development Minister Paula Bennett and Agriculture Minister David Carter have activated Enhanced Taskforce Green to clean up parts of Hawkes Bay recently damaged by severe flooding.

“This means around 48 people, many of whom are currently on benefits, will get to work helping clear debris and repair damage to property,” says Ms Bennett.

“Around 120 farms in the Wairoa, Hastings and Central Hawkes Bay area are affected and urgently need some extra hands to do the work,” says Mr Carter.

"Having seen the slips and flooding damage first-hand, I understand the scale of the problem for many of these farmers."

Damage was caused during heavy rains and flooding last month with one in a hundred year rainfall in some areas.

Enhanced taskforce Green (ETFG) can be activated following adverse events, providing wage subsidies to jobseekers who then gain skills and experience.

“We have approved up to $500,000, which will fund up to 48 jobseekers for 12 weeks work, including transport and equipment,” says Ms Bennett.

“The local Rural Support Trust is also organising volunteers to help those farmers most affected and Federated Farmers is assisting with grazing,” says Mr Carter.

Work can begin within two weeks, much of which will focus on clearing debris from fences and making repairs, and removing silt from properties.