Whanau Ora to expand with nationwide coverage

Tariana Turia

Thursday 19 May 2011, 3:02PM

By Tariana Turia


The Government will invest an additional $30 million in Whanau Ora over the next four years, including $11.25 million in the coming year, Whanau Ora Minister Tariana Turia says.

The funding includes $25 million allocated in Budget 2011 and, subject to final Cabinet approval, another $5 million of reprioritised Māori Potential funding from within Vote Māori Affairs.

“The funding will maintain the momentum created by the Whanau Ora approach, with opportunities to extend coverage across the country,” Mrs Turia says.

“Currently, 25 provider collectives involving 158 health and social service providers are beginning to deliver Whanau Ora and are working collaboratively to deliver this innovative approach to engage whanau,” Mrs Turia says.

Budget 2011 will ensure Whanau Ora is supported in at least eight new provider collectives in a range of new locations including Kaipara, Hauraki, South Waikato, Taupo/Turangi, Palmerston North, Wairarapa, Levin/Kapiti Coast and Murihiku in Southland.

“I believe whanau have the capability and collective capacity to overcome the challenges they face and will take responsibility if empowered to do so.

“This further investment in Whanau Ora will ensure nationwide coverage during the next two years and represents a significant investment in the future of whanau from a Government that is prepared to be bold and innovative,” Mrs Turia says.