Minister Welcomes Auckland Rates Savings
Minister of Local Government Rodney Hide today welcomed Auckland Council’s announcement that rates across the region will rise by only 3.7 per cent - down from a projected average increase of 9.3 per cent under the old eight council structure.
“This below inflation rate increase was achieved through $81 million in efficiencies and savings, and is greater than the conservative estimate of $48 million identified by the Auckland Transition Agency in its planning document,” Mr Hide said.
“This is in stark contrast to Labour MP Phil Twyford’s absurd claims that there would be no savings from the amalgamation, and that each Aucklander would pay an additional $170 for the cost of the transition. Today’s announcement shows, yet again, Mr Twyford’s lack of credibility in the local government portfolio.
“I congratulate Mayor Len Brown, Chief Executive Doug McKay, ATA Executive Chairman Mark Ford and the staff of the Auckland Council for their efforts in achieving these savings for the people of Auckland.
“With the new governance structure in place, Aucklanders can now look forward to their city becoming a united, prosperous and dynamic region that all New Zealanders can be proud of,” Mr Hide said