Children's Ministry Just Election-Year Gimmick

Saturday 21 May 2011, 5:33PM

By Heather Roy


Labour’s proposal to set up a Children’s Ministry and disband the Families Commission is little more than election-year window dressing and will do nothing to curb New Zealand’s appalling rates of child abuse and neglect, ACT New Zealand Welfare Spokesman Hon Heather Roy said today.

“Labour MPs still seem to think that the solution to the world’s problems is to set up more Government departments and employ more bureaucrats; they are deluded if they think this will solve anything,” Mrs Roy said.

“New Zealand already has a small army of Ministers and departments to deal with child welfare; the Ministry of Social Development, the Children’s Commissioner, the Families Commission and the Ministry of Youth Development, and yet too many of our vulnerable children are still subject to terrible abuse and poverty.

“The Families Commission was set up by Labour to keep Peter Dunne happy, it was window dressing then and it is window dressing now. All Labour is suggesting is changing the window display.

“It is ridiculous to think the government can fulfil the role of mothers and fathers; we have families to protect children and the Government should only get involved when things go badly wrong.

“ACT has long called for assistance to be targeted where it is needed most by appointing mentors to teach parenting and life skills to families who are most at risk. Instead of diverting more money to bureaucrats in Wellington the Government must direct funding to the front line and tackle child abuse head on,” Mrs Roy said.