Turia to make inquiries following claims of 'ecological vandalism'

Tariana Turia

Monday 30 May 2011, 7:46AM

By Tariana Turia



MP for Te Tai Hauauru, Tariana Turia, is distressed to hear concerns from residents on the Kapiti Coast settlement at Te Horo Beach.

“I have received complaints from residents who have shared their distress at the destruction of two large sand dune hills which they believed had taken thousands of centuries to form” said Mrs Turia.

“Within a matter of days the natural environmental aspect was radically altered by what they have described as ‘ecological vandalism’” said Mrs Turia. “They have shared their disappointment that the environmental landscape has been completely changed, with associated exposure to prevailing winds for an area that was once protected”.

“I am particularly concerned for our whanau from Katihiku Marae who have spoken to me previously of their distress associated with the destruction of ancestral lands that have been there for thousands of years” said Mrs Turia.

“I will be writing to the Kapiti Coast District Council to raise awareness of this issue” said Mrs Turia.