Hauauru ma raki wind farm decision a step forward for renewable electricity generation

Monday 30 May 2011, 8:06AM

By Hekia Parata



Acting Minister of Energy and Resources, Hekia Parata, has welcomed today’s granting of resource consents for Contact Energy’s proposed Hauauru ma raki wind farm development on Waikato’s west coast.

“The decision by the Board of Inquiry to grant resource consents for 168 wind turbines and designation for the transmission lines is another step forward for renewable electricity generation in New Zealand," says Ms Parata.

Hauauru ma raki would generate up to 504 megawatts of power from 168 turbines, which is enough renewable energy to power around 170,000 homes.

The wind farm is the largest to be consented in New Zealand.

“Renewables already play a significant role in our energy mix with 74 per cent of New Zealand's electricity coming from renewable sources last year. The Government has a target of 90 per cent by 2025,'' says Ms Parata.

"The Government is focused on renewables, the exploration of our natural resources, energy efficiency and the pricing of carbon as we manage our environmental responsibilities and economic opportunities.

“This development will also contribute to rapidly developing expertise and a track record in wind technology.

“Capturing the upside of existing and emerging renewable technologies is a source of competitive advantage to New Zealand. It will provide us with access to environmentally friendly energy in a future where the world will face increasing environmental constraints," says Ms Parata.