Iwi Campaign vindicated by Greywolf decision

Wednesday 1 June 2011, 4:10PM

By Rahui Katene



Te Tai Tonga MP, Rahui Katene, is proud of the efforts taken by Golden Bay iwi in putting forward their objections to Greywolf Resources’ application to explore for oil in the seabed off the Abel Tasman National Park coastline, across much of Golden Bay and the Northwest corner of the South Island.

“I was thrilled to receive the statement by Greywolf Chief Executive, John Rutherford, confirming that the applications for prospecting and exploration within the Golden Bay and Abel Tasman areas will be withdrawn” said Mrs Katene.

“I see this as a clear vindication of the campaign run by Tiakina Te Taiao in opposing the exploration licences and I want to congratulate the iwi and all the locals for their successful negotiations with Greywolf”.

“The type of process that iwi have entered into with Greywolf is exactly what we envisage would occur, as a result of the private members bill we have drafted to ensure real consultation and real engagement with tangata whenua from any person or group who are seeking a permit under Crown Minerals Act” said Mrs Katene. [Crown Minerals (Effective and Meaningful Engagement with Iwi and Hapu) Amendment Bill].

“The only way to ensure real engagement is for whanau, hapu and iwi to be given a direct say on the success or failure of an application" said Mrs Katene.

“I am proud also of the efforts that Ngati Tama, Te Ati Awa and Ngati Rarua, have gone to, as Manawhenua ki Mohua, in challenging the petroleum application ˜on cultural and environmental grounds’” said Mrs Katene.

“I totally support the comments from Barney Thomas that we must strive to respond to any of these applications in a way which balances environmental impacts with the effects on the health of the people” said Mrs Katene.

“I also want to place the challenge before Government to stop relying on old thinking to stimulate economic growth, and instead to start looking at alternative sources of energy and renewable energy as solutions which can take us forward”.