Funding to increase digital literacy and connection - Tariana Turia

Tariana Turia

Thursday 2 June 2011, 8:26AM

By Tariana Turia


Community and Voluntary Sector Minister Tariana Turia is today announcing that she has secured additional funding of $3.3 million over three years for community-based initiatives to increase digital literacy and connection.

The new funding builds on the $8.345 million which was announced in last year’s Budget and will provide further support to two proven, community-based training programmes: The Computer Clubhouse and Computers in Homes programmes.

“Research shows that 20 to 30% of New Zealanders lack access to digital tools or the ability to use them” Mrs Turia said.

“Being digitally literate is no longer merely optional – it is an essential life skill".

“Support for these training programmes is an excellent example of community groups, government and the private sector working together to improve access to and uptake of digital technology.

“This also contributes to my medium-term priority of structuring for effectiveness by ensuring that funding is targeted to meet both today’s and tomorrow’s needs. It will help to strengthen whānau, hapū, iwi and communities,” Mrs Turia said.

Computers in Homes provides parents from low income families with basic computer training at the schools their children attend. Once they have completed the training, families receive a computer, ongoing computer and technical support, and a free internet connection for six months. Families are also given access to a subsidised internet connection and further training.

Computer Clubhouse provides a free, after-school learning environment where local youth can use technology to work on projects and build information and communications technology skills. The Clubhouse is an internationally-recognised learning model that provides a safe, creative place where young people work with mentors, explore ideas and build skills through using information and communications technology.

Further information: Community Access to Digital Technologies - a literature review


