Council adopts Sustainable Energy Strategy for Christchurch

Christchurch City Council

Thursday 27 September 2007, 11:03AM

By Christchurch City Council



Christchurch City Council today unanimously adopted its Sustainable
Energy Strategy for Christchurch 2008 - 2018

The Sustainable Energy Strategy is the first comprehensive plan to be
adopted by a local body authority in New Zealand.

"We are recognised as leaders in energy efficiency and conservation,"
says Mayor Garry Moore.

"Every city in the world must address energy issues. In this city we
have thought it through and have our initial plan ready. Things will
change as we continue to experiment to achieve energy efficiency but
this will be our first guide map for the future."

"The Council's vision for Christchurch is that our energy supplies come
solely from renewable sources and the city's energy systems are
affordable, efficient and secure, ensuring long term sustainability and
zero impact on climate, local environment and public health," he says.

Mr Moore says the Council now seeks to work with the people of
Christchurch and other energy stakeholders to reach the vision of a
sustainable energy future for the City.

"During public consultation many submissions were received and the
majority were positive. This indicated people are pleased that a start
had been made on working towards sustainable energy used," he says.

A variety of views were expressed. Several included suggestions for
reducing the reliance on the private car and supported a move to
fuel-efficient cars and vehicles fuelled by alternatives to petrol.

Also popular were submissions relating to improving the energy
efficiency of homes, both new and existing. Suggestions included
providing incentives for both landlords and home owners to retro-fit
older homes, rate rebates for highly energy efficient homes and to
encourage developers to consider the orientation of new sections to
maximise passive solar gain.

Many of the submissions have been incorporated in the final strategy.

"The Council has already achieved significant results in energy
management," says Council's Energy Manager, Leonid Itskovich.

"Since 1995, the Council has implemented a number of projects that have
resulted in an overall 30% reduction in energy consumption and an
increase in renewable energy sources". The Council now uses used
vegetable oils, wind power, ground sourced heat pumps and waste heat
from industry to power and heat its facilities."

For further information: Garry Moore, Christchurch Mayor. Phone 941 8559
Leonid Itskovich, Energy Manager, Christchurch City Council. Phone 941